[ Characteristics of the Clinico-Pathology of SIDS ]
 The cause of SIDS has been still uncertain. Since the risk factors for this syndrome and the BTS campaign were announced, it was reported that the incidence of SIDS decreased remarkably in Western countries. However in Japan, the incidence of SIDS has decreased very slowly. It is doubtful why the "over-heating" was exclluded from risk factors for SIDS .About this exclusion it was explained from the results of epidemiological investigations on SIDS by the MHW Research Group.
Nevertheless, about the cause of death with SIDS in the epidemiological surveys and autopsy findings (showing below), it is seemed that the temperature is the most important cause. Those findings suggest that the characteristics of this syndrome may have relevance to the thermoregulation mechanism (either thermogenesis or thermolysis) of infants.

[ Characteristics of SIDS ]
Epidemiological surveys
Death during sleep.
Age: more frequently in infants aged below 1 year, with a peak in the 4th
month of life.
Season: more cases in winter than in summer.
More cases at high temperature environment.
More cases in infants wearing excessive clothes (caps, gloves, socks, etc) and bedclothes.
More cases during sleeping in a prone position.
Autopsy findings
More infants with hyperthermia, although time has passed after death.
Sweating is noted.
Blood: dark-red fluid blood, and hypernatremia.
Small intestine: tissue with character of heatstroke is observed in the
mucosa of the small intestine.

Purpose of This Study
 From my experience of a near miss of SIDS (an infant stopped his breathing in hot bath at the temperature of 43℃) and the epidemiological and autopsy findings above, some relations between SIDS and an infant's hyperthermia(heat stroke) could be considered. Therefore, central and peripheral deep body temperatures of infants were begun to study in various environments. According to those results, it could be clarified that the over-heating (heat stroke) is one of the causes of SIDS and that the reason why the prone-sleeping is dangerous for infants.

[ Why is over-heating a risk factor for SIDS? ]
 Several researches have been studied based on my date and analized the influence of the nursing environment temperature on infant's thermoregulations. These studies clarified the cause of SIDS as follows.
Despite changes of environmental temperature, infants can maintain their body temperature constantly. The mechanism of balancing the body temperature is known to be thermogenesis and thermolysis. However, if either thermogenesis or thermolysis is broken, the mechanism of the body temperature of homeothermal animal will go into a dangerous condition. In order to clarify the reason why healthy infants have "heat storoke" during their sleep, and why "heat stroke" causes SIDS, a new hypothesis below was set up by forcusing on the mechanism of thermogenesis and thermolysis of infants.